If Kagan had done the same thing, the howls from the Journal editorial page would have been heard in space.

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The short answer is because he could. Having said that, notwithstanding the significance of his assertion, there are other aspects of the interview that are equally if not more extraordinary in terms of his very specific and open criticism of other justices, both those commonly aligned with his views and those that are not, that is quite surprising and I suspect do not sit well with his colleagues.

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Please - never stop refuting the ridiculousness of this arrogant, profoundly political, manipulative man.

I suspect you've hit the nail on the head here: "Perhaps the answer is to fire up his (and the Court’s) defenders, many of whom may not be as … well-informed?" As we all know, this technique -- purposefully lie, confident that your lie will be beyond the detective skills of your audience -- sits at the heart of modern, MAGA-suffused conservatism. Alito wields it as deviously as any bloviating MAGA politico out there in the hinterlands.

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J. Alito needs to be replaced.

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I hope that you will discuss the possibility of expanding the number of seats on the Court. Given the recent brazen abuses by both Congressional Republicans and the right-wing Justices ("conservative" is no longer an accurate description), I believe that such expansion is both justified and necessary to save our democratic republic.

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