Thank you for hosting this. As much as I am disappointed by the majority opinion, do you think the majority was at least partially thinking of stopping the cycle of administrations prosecuting their predecessor (i.e., if we imagine a scenario of Trump winning in November)? I know, it would be a very benign read of the opinion.
Thank you for hosting this. As much as I am disappointed by the majority opinion, do you think the majority was at least partially thinking of stopping the cycle of administrations prosecuting their predecessor (i.e., if we imagine a scenario of Trump winning in November)? I know, it would be a very benign read of the opinion.
I wrote about this a bit after the argument in April. I'm sure that's at least part of it. But there are so many ways to write an opinion that addresses (and accounts for) that concern without going nearly as far as the Court went today.
Thank you for hosting this. As much as I am disappointed by the majority opinion, do you think the majority was at least partially thinking of stopping the cycle of administrations prosecuting their predecessor (i.e., if we imagine a scenario of Trump winning in November)? I know, it would be a very benign read of the opinion.
I wrote about this a bit after the argument in April. I'm sure that's at least part of it. But there are so many ways to write an opinion that addresses (and accounts for) that concern without going nearly as far as the Court went today.
Thank you.