I see this as consistent with his birthright citizenship order. Both start from a (deeply flawed) assumption that people whose presence in the US is unauthorized are not subject to our laws, and thus, not able to access clearly established rights under the Constitution and other laws. While this is a problematic interpretation, it is legally and (im)morally consistent. It also means any favorable (to the policy) ruling from an errant judge on one has implications for the other

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He's establishing a concentration camp. Legal obstacles will be ignored, the same way the humanity of the camp prisoners will be ignored. The fact that it will be difficult and expensive to supply the logistics just means that there's more of an excuse when the food and care are inadequate. Theory is all very nice, but he's establishing a concentration camp. And a precedent for camps on the mainland.

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Simply a sidebar and subterfuge, Steve. If one of your proposals hits a rough patch (federal spending impoundment) throw out another distraction. This is a continuing chapter in Trump's false immigration narrative. At some point all of this must be challenged on a factual basis. Those reporting on events of the day must at some point fact check in real time, and not simply regurgitate Executive statements that do not make any sense to those paying attention. Thank you.

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No inside information but impression was that those sent to Gitmo would be those who already had removal orders but whose home countries would not accept. That would pose its own legal issues. Heard a Trump riff in which he seemed to suggest as much. Believe he also mentioned that some with criminal records could be detained indefinitely because they might return to the United States if removed to their home countries.

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What is to stop Trump, from setting before the illegal immigrant a piece of paper, that says, I agree to have all charges dropped against me or be sent home, provided I can gain free entrance to Cuba. No longer is there a case, the immigrant is out of U.S. Territory, the case is dropped, what is there not to like about that?

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While signing EOs, giving press and other interviews, the only thing Trump has really been doing is playing golf. I expect it's going to get worse (i.e., read/listen to the interview by Allison Gill concerning what happened when the Office of Personnel Management, and it's 21 and 19 year old employees, sent out emails to government employees) as Musk and Russell Vought run the government. The only thing that will help is public pushback because, even though he's a lame duck, Trump does care about what's being publicly said about him (it might negatively reflect the market value of his assets). This will be another four years of the Lawyers Full-Employment Act (sarcasm) and we need the courts to build opposition. We also need to make it clear to Congressional Republicans that they will be held accountable.

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