Two very different episodes on Thursday provide growing evidence of a Department of Justice that is showing less respect, by the day, for the rule of law.
Like many people, I was struck by the footnote in Sassoon's letter where she mentions the quid pro quo meeting with Adams's attorneys and then says: "Mr. Bove admonished a member of my team who took notes during that meeting and directed the collection of those notes at the meeting's conclusion." Sounds as if Bove invoked the Stringer Bell Rule (in somewhat sanitized form: never take notes on a criminal conspiracy).
You didn't mention the part about the Adams charges being dismissed without prejudice. Donny Corleone wants them hanging around in case Hizzoner doesn't put out.
We are in a very bad place. At this rate, I give it 2 weeks before the administration defies / ignores a court order and essentially tells the courts they do not have any power to stop the administration from doing anything. Then what?
A third action worth noting is suspension of cases involving the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for the stated reason of allowing US companies and those doing US business to be as corrupt as others in the international arena!
Is Bove or Bondi (or anyone else who follows their blatantly unethical commands) at risk of being disciplined by the bar for their seeming misrepresentations of the law?
Steve, thanks. Is Trump challenging SCOTUS to enforce their ruling since he will not? If so, how? (maybe we don't need Marbury v Madison after all; just let the Executive Branch decide. Like now.) ;)
I was thinking something along the same lines -- if the exec branch refuses to enforce the law passed by Congress, would someone have to have standing to sue and say, "I'm being injured by the TikTok ban not being enforced"? Is that plausible?
It's worth noting that violating the TikTok law in this fashion -- particularly when the president could ask Congress to change the law -- is pretty much by definition an impeachable act. The president and the AG cannot just deny the validity of a law. Of course, the same Congress would not actually impeach, but it does no good to pretend that it's not impeachable.
adams is super tight with bannon's crypto partner Brock Pierce (and in fact flew to Puerto Rico to raise money from Pierce and maybe other crypto bros quite recently).
adams is far more corrupt than even the DOJ charges filed so far make clear. for instance he hasn't even been charged for all the china / israel crypto money.
also speaking as someone who had the pleasure of observing Danielle Sassoon in action live and in person during the SBF / FTX trial i can attest to the fact that she is an *incredibly* effective communicator. read any of the press about the trial and you will see everyone who watched it observed this to be true. "holy shit that DA Sassoon is fucking crushing this" was like 70% of all discussion during breaks in the trial over in the journalists' section.
Well, I'm still waiting for the Justice Department to file charges on Joe Biden for his corrupt dealing with China and Ukraine as the Biden Laptop showed, as well as Charges on the 51 lying intelligent agents for causing election interference and allowing such a clear criminal become President, from which his and associates supported a genocide in Gaza and many other horrors for payment to his Master, Satan.
Below is a suggested Bill.
God Bless., Steve
The Genocide Accountability and International Justice Act
A Bill to ensure U.S. compliance with international law regarding genocide and crimes against humanity, and to facilitate extradition for prosecution under UN jurisdiction.
This Act may be cited as the “Genocide Accountability and International Justice Act.”
To align the United States with international legal obligations by ensuring accountability for genocide and related crimes, removing legal barriers to UN-led prosecution, and facilitating extradition of U.S. citizens accused of such crimes.
(a) Genocide – As defined by the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
(b) Crimes Against Humanity – As defined under Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
(c) Extraditable Individual – Any U.S. citizen or resident indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) or a recognized UN international tribunal for genocide or related crimes.
(a) Waiver of U.S. Legal Protections Against Extradition – Any federal or state law that prevents the extradition of U.S. citizens for genocide-related charges shall be nullified.
(b) Full Compliance with UN Prosecutions – The U.S. government shall fully cooperate with ICC and UN tribunals, including sharing intelligence and assets.
(c) Limitation on Diplomatic Protections – No diplomatic immunity or federal protection shall be granted to individuals indicted for genocide-related crimes.
(a) Any government official, corporate executive, or private entity that interferes with UN extradition or prosecution efforts shall be subject to:
Up to 25 years imprisonment
Fines up to $10 million
Asset seizure equivalent to the value of damages caused
(a) A UN Cooperation and Genocide Accountability Office shall be established within the Department of Justice (DOJ) to ensure enforcement.
(b) A joint UN-U.S. tribunal review board shall oversee cases involving U.S. citizens accused of genocide.
(a) The American Service-Members' Protection Act (2002), also known as the Hague Invasion Act, is hereby repealed.
(b) Any executive order, presidential directive, or law preventing U.S. cooperation with the ICC or UN tribunals is null and void.
“The result will be to put that much more pressure on courts (and to cede that much more power to courts)—to be skeptical even in cases in which the government is acting in the best interests of the rule of law. I fear that we’ll all miss the Department’s credibility once it’s gone. At this rate, that will be sooner rather than later.“. It’s not gone yet.
Impeccable writing. So readable, so erudite, witty, and very detailed, but not heavy. Thank you for that. Other than the shooting, I enjoyed the play.
Like many people, I was struck by the footnote in Sassoon's letter where she mentions the quid pro quo meeting with Adams's attorneys and then says: "Mr. Bove admonished a member of my team who took notes during that meeting and directed the collection of those notes at the meeting's conclusion." Sounds as if Bove invoked the Stringer Bell Rule (in somewhat sanitized form: never take notes on a criminal conspiracy).
Love the Stronger Bell ref....
Stringer Bell. Not stronger!
You didn't mention the part about the Adams charges being dismissed without prejudice. Donny Corleone wants them hanging around in case Hizzoner doesn't put out.
We are in a very bad place. At this rate, I give it 2 weeks before the administration defies / ignores a court order and essentially tells the courts they do not have any power to stop the administration from doing anything. Then what?
It's the Thursday Night Dumbassacre.
They wiped out a passel of Trump hires just to do a corruption.
Maybe too rhyme-y?: Trump-Dump-assacre
Tik-Tok statute passed with bipartisan support (House 360-58; Senate 82 to 20) due to the national security threat.
Thank you. This ranch worker feels more informed.
A third action worth noting is suspension of cases involving the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for the stated reason of allowing US companies and those doing US business to be as corrupt as others in the international arena!
Is Bove or Bondi (or anyone else who follows their blatantly unethical commands) at risk of being disciplined by the bar for their seeming misrepresentations of the law?
Thank you for the record. Great writing of revolting circumstances.
Is it bizarre to announce that I'm a fangirl?
Steve, thanks. Is Trump challenging SCOTUS to enforce their ruling since he will not? If so, how? (maybe we don't need Marbury v Madison after all; just let the Executive Branch decide. Like now.) ;)
I was thinking something along the same lines -- if the exec branch refuses to enforce the law passed by Congress, would someone have to have standing to sue and say, "I'm being injured by the TikTok ban not being enforced"? Is that plausible?
It's worth noting that violating the TikTok law in this fashion -- particularly when the president could ask Congress to change the law -- is pretty much by definition an impeachable act. The president and the AG cannot just deny the validity of a law. Of course, the same Congress would not actually impeach, but it does no good to pretend that it's not impeachable.
And we're only 3 weeks in 🫤
adams is super tight with bannon's crypto partner Brock Pierce (and in fact flew to Puerto Rico to raise money from Pierce and maybe other crypto bros quite recently).
adams is far more corrupt than even the DOJ charges filed so far make clear. for instance he hasn't even been charged for all the china / israel crypto money.
also speaking as someone who had the pleasure of observing Danielle Sassoon in action live and in person during the SBF / FTX trial i can attest to the fact that she is an *incredibly* effective communicator. read any of the press about the trial and you will see everyone who watched it observed this to be true. "holy shit that DA Sassoon is fucking crushing this" was like 70% of all discussion during breaks in the trial over in the journalists' section.
if she decides to get loud about this it will be a big problem for Trump. more on my experience of watching sassoon do her job:
Well, I'm still waiting for the Justice Department to file charges on Joe Biden for his corrupt dealing with China and Ukraine as the Biden Laptop showed, as well as Charges on the 51 lying intelligent agents for causing election interference and allowing such a clear criminal become President, from which his and associates supported a genocide in Gaza and many other horrors for payment to his Master, Satan.
Below is a suggested Bill.
God Bless., Steve
The Genocide Accountability and International Justice Act
A Bill to ensure U.S. compliance with international law regarding genocide and crimes against humanity, and to facilitate extradition for prosecution under UN jurisdiction.
This Act may be cited as the “Genocide Accountability and International Justice Act.”
To align the United States with international legal obligations by ensuring accountability for genocide and related crimes, removing legal barriers to UN-led prosecution, and facilitating extradition of U.S. citizens accused of such crimes.
(a) Genocide – As defined by the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
(b) Crimes Against Humanity – As defined under Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
(c) Extraditable Individual – Any U.S. citizen or resident indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) or a recognized UN international tribunal for genocide or related crimes.
(a) Waiver of U.S. Legal Protections Against Extradition – Any federal or state law that prevents the extradition of U.S. citizens for genocide-related charges shall be nullified.
(b) Full Compliance with UN Prosecutions – The U.S. government shall fully cooperate with ICC and UN tribunals, including sharing intelligence and assets.
(c) Limitation on Diplomatic Protections – No diplomatic immunity or federal protection shall be granted to individuals indicted for genocide-related crimes.
(a) Any government official, corporate executive, or private entity that interferes with UN extradition or prosecution efforts shall be subject to:
Up to 25 years imprisonment
Fines up to $10 million
Asset seizure equivalent to the value of damages caused
(a) A UN Cooperation and Genocide Accountability Office shall be established within the Department of Justice (DOJ) to ensure enforcement.
(b) A joint UN-U.S. tribunal review board shall oversee cases involving U.S. citizens accused of genocide.
(a) The American Service-Members' Protection Act (2002), also known as the Hague Invasion Act, is hereby repealed.
(b) Any executive order, presidential directive, or law preventing U.S. cooperation with the ICC or UN tribunals is null and void.
Bondi already showed that she doesn’t follow the constitution or the law! Good job maga GOP in the House and Senate!
“The result will be to put that much more pressure on courts (and to cede that much more power to courts)—to be skeptical even in cases in which the government is acting in the best interests of the rule of law. I fear that we’ll all miss the Department’s credibility once it’s gone. At this rate, that will be sooner rather than later.“. It’s not gone yet.